Thursday, May 26, 2016

Donington Le Heath Manor House

Time: 1620
Location: Donington le Heath Manor House

The Donington le Heath manor house dates from 1620s. It is located near Leicester, just  southwest of Coalville. We found it a bit difficult to find, down some winding roads and signage was a bit poor, but eventually we came to it.

Sir Everard Digby
The house has recently undergone a massive renovation. It is a great example of a house built in the 13th century and then "modernised" in the 16th. Many families have owned the house, but it is the Digbys who we are interested in. They were connected to the Gunpowder plot of 1605 through Sir Everard Digby.

Before the house was purchased by the County, it was used as a pigsty, upstairs and downstairs. It is a terrible thought to think of this ancient building being used in such a careless and damaging manner!

This house is unique in that visitors are invited to interact with any of the furnishings inside. They are not original to the home and most are modern reproductions. You can sit at the table and pretend to have a meal. You can try on the clothing hanging on the hooks. I am not sure if you can sleep on the beds. I did not ask about that.

And speaking of beds, there is a Richard III connection with this house. Apparently THE BED that Richard slept in on his last night is reputed to be here at Donington. Now it is unrecognisable as an inn bed, with grand hangings from four posts. They think it is possible that the bottom portion of the bed, the part that is the threaded with the ropes to hold up the mattresses could possibly be THE BED, but it is questionable. It is really uncertain even how it came to be in this particular home. But it makes a good story!

Doniington is also reputed to have ghosts. People have seen a housemaid and a man in 17th Century clothing, reputed to be Sir Everard. Some ghost hunters have also recorded what they believe to be Richard III in the room with THE BED, although why King Richard would be connected to the bed since he didn't die there is the big question in my mind.

Now that the manor house is reopened, they will be hosting a number of events, including reenactments, crafts, talks, and fairs. 


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