Is Time Travel Possible?

That question has been posed by many, from H.G. Wells to Albert Einstein to Doc Emmett Brown. I know it is possible because I have done it.

Last year I had a big adventure.

I went to Leicester, England to help bury King Richard III, my first cousin 19 times removed.

It was a magical and mystical experience, and it seemed like I had been thrown back in time as I learned more about my ancestor who had died over 500 years ago.

It was the adventure of a lifetime, or so I thought.

Since then, I have had many wonderful and life-changing things happen to me, including a new job, a big birthday, and a leap of faith. But since I returned from Leicester, I knew I had to go back.

There is so much I still yearn to know more about:
  • King Richard III and his life, death, and how we remember him still
  • England--the country, customs, and history
  • My ancestors, including the generations who came from Lincolnshire and Warwickshire
  • My English family in Leicester, especially my dear friend and cousin, John, who knows a lot about time travel
  • and Myself, in this big year full of changes
England has always called me since I was small. I hadn't been allowed to pay attention for so long, but now I must if I am to discover who I was, who I am, and who I will be.

On to the next big adventure!

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